Saturday, July 4, 2015

Happy July 4th :: Baby Fireworks

(updated) I’ll call them baby fireworks, but they’re actually confetti launchers. I think these are a great alternative to fireworks for babies like mine who are 8 months! We don’t celebrate the 4th in Italy (wink-wink), but I really wanted Maya to experience some of my/her root traditions.

There are plenty of diy instructions to be found on internet. These party favors are fast, easy, reusable and adaptable for other fests. I made confetti with a hole punch, used scrap paper for confetti and to cover toilet tubes, cardboard (back of notebook type is hard but pliable), 12” balloons and glue.

Alterations I made from original linked tutorial were: an extra strip of cardboard inside and at the end of the toilet roll to make it sturdy enough for the balloon to wrap around.  I also found cutting balloons in three fourths rather than in half a firmer fit for the tube.